I came across this website that as an assortment of different lesson plans for teachers to use for a variety of different ages and topics. It even covers media literacy. If I was teaching about media literacy to students in my perfered age area I would choose the first lesson plan on this site. Media Literacy is an essential and important aspect to learn because media and technology is becoming more involved in today's modern life. Students need to be taught how to use and evaluate media to better themselves and be more successful.
Standard II: Design and Develop Digital Age Learning Experiences and Assessments
A. Design or adapt relevant learning experiences that incorporate digital tools and resources to promote student learning and creativity.
With this lesson plan, students must use technology and digital tools, like a computer, to evaluate social media and the qualities of the commercial. Students would find a creative commercial to watch amd learn different aspects of media like point of view, values, and purpose while incorporating the use of technology. Within this learning experience students would gather experience and knowledge that they could use to better their lives to come!
Wonderful example of an lesson plan that promots media literacy!